Thursday, May 10, 2012

Etsy inspiration

So checking out all the beautiful things people make and sell gets me inspired to try new ideas and especially learn how to sew. I would love to make fabric flowers and appliques for headbands and hats. Or learn how to upcycle old clothes into fun new items. Also using my embroidery and cross stitch skills to embellish items would be fun. I need a pretty bulletin board/chalk/magnet board in my craft room to put inspiring ideas and make notes. I would love to devote more time to being creative... It's all about the balance I guess. Sometimes I just feel overwhelmed with little things I have to do that I don't get to relax or dream or create. Guess that's when I really need to incorporate creativity into my day because it's a way the God renews me and restores my soul. He does that too when he teaches me new things about Him and me.


  1. aawww so sweet! so glad I was able to be a source of inspiration for you :)

  2. Cute!
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